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Event Logs: Convert InstanceID to EventID in
Last Updated: 10/24/08Function EventInstanceToID(ByRef lInstance As Long) As String Dim lEventID As Int32 'Take just the integer part lEventID = CInt(lInstance And CLng(Int32.MaxValue)) 'Remove Top Two Bits lEventID = (lEventID And &H3FFFFFFF) 'Return the evenid if event is recognized, ' if event id is specific to app only return last digit If lEventID.ToString.Length > 5 Then Return (lEventID.ToString.Substring(lEventID.ToString.Length - 1, 1)) Else Return (lEventID.ToString) End If End FunctionMSDN: EventLogEntry.EventID Property
You might find this code helpful too:
' Define the WMI query ' myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE " & _ "(Logfile='Application' OR LogFile='System') AND " & _ "timegenerated > '" & strLastRun & "'" ' ' Execute the query and create the objInstance object ' objInstance = objservice.ExecQuery(myQuery) For Each item In objInstance dDate = EventDate(item.timegenerated) If DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dDate, Now()) < 4 Then iCounter = iCounter + 1 ReDim Preserve myEvents(iCounter) myEvents(iCounter - 1).Source = item.sourcename myEvents(iCounter - 1).EventID = CStr(item.eventcode) myEvents(iCounter - 1).LogType = item.LogFile Try myEvents(iCounter - 1).Message = CStr(item.Message) Catch ex As Exception myEvents(iCounter - 1).Message = "" End Try End If Next
Keywords: 2005 vs visual studio event logs .eventid depreciated