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Cacti Upgrade to Cacti 0.8.7i with PIA 3.1

Last Updated: 3/23/12

This is how I upgraded my Cacti Server:

Note: If your Cacti server is virtual, consider making a snapshot before you start!

Upgrade Cacti Document (
-    Backup your MySQL DB as desired
-    Download (I downloaded the tar.gz file) ----
-    Copy .gz file to /var/www/ with sFTP or WinSCP
-    Extract .gz file (tar xzvf cacti-0.8.7i-PIA-3.1.tar.gz)
-    Copy html folder as a backup (cp html html-backup)
-    Stop services (service mysqld stop, service httpd stop)
-    Copy the extracted folder over the top of your current one (cp -f -r --reply=yes -v ./cacti-0.8.7i-PIA-3.1/* ./html/), this will overwrite old files with new files, while keeping all your RRA files)
-    Start services (service mysqld start, service httpd start)
-    Open your old config.php and copy the settings to the new one. (vi /var/www/html-backup/include/config.php and copy username, password,etc... to /var/www/html/include/config.php)
-    Load cacti url in browser to finish upgrade. http://cactiserver


Upgrade all plugins
-    Download all the plugins you use and install them via sFTP or WinSCP into /var/www/html/plugins (

-    Make sure all plugins (that you want) are enabled in user management area.


Patch thold with the fixes I made:

If you don't already have the TCP template and the Win Services template, you should install them. There is also a patched version of the win_services.php file that I created to fix some bugs:

TCP template:

Win_services template -
Import the main xml, then overwrite the resource XML in /var/www/html/resources/script_server with the provided one, then put my script (not original) into /var/www/html/scripts folder.

You may need to add some RRA settings for the TCP and WinServices templates to work.

- Now, if everything is working, be sure to delete your snapshot and any backup folders that you don't need anymore.
- Always check your cacti log after an upgrade for warnings and errors that you did not have prior.

The new THOLD plugin is awesome (once patched with my fixes). You can now email notify different people for each cacti host now. Not just a global email address for all host up/down messages.

Keywords: Upgrade cacti, version 0.8.7i, 0.8.7h, linux, centos 4, centos 5