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Windows 8/10 fails to boot, Bootrec not working

Last Updated: 4/20/18

I had two drives. I moved one to my new computer, because I thought it was just a data drive. The drive I removed had my BCD EFI boot partition. So now the older PC was unable to boot.

I booted to a Windows 8.1 installation DVD and entered the command prompt.

First I tried this, but the bootrec was not enough. it said boot store not found or missing.


Then I found method two here, but I had no unallocated space on my desk:



Use the restore EFI partition instructions from the second link above, but first use the "shrink" command of diskpart to free up 300 MB of space. It worked like a charm.


sample commands:

list volume
select volume 1
shrink desired=300

list disk
select disk 1
create partition efi size=290
format quick fs=fat32

bcdboot c:\windows

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