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Installing (Reinstalling) Windows 10 RSAT on a domain with error

Last Updated: 5/7/20

Microsoft has a weird relationship with Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). They remove the product from your computer during certain Windows 10 updates/upgrades.  They also make the installation method different between certain versions of windows 10 and they make it difficult to figure out if you use the GUI.


Possible Solution: Use Powershell script


This has worked well for me in the past.  Recently I had a problem with the script.

add-windowscapability failed. error code = 0x800f0954


The solution is to use gpedit.msc to tell windows to use windows update online as the package source

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\“Download repair content and optional features directly from Windows Updates instead of Windows Server Updates Services (WSUS)“.


you can see other people who found the same solution here:





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