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Android phone calls fail with "server unreachable"

Last Updated: 5/6/22

I was helping a family member with their StraightTalk Android 11 Blu View 3 smart phone.  The phone would not function for phone calls or SMS. SMS would just say "connecting..." and phone call attempts said "Server unreachable". I tried everything to get this working again. uninstalled many apps, reset app permissions, reset network settings, and many other tasks. Also, tech support was no help.


Solution: In the end I gave up and did a factory reset of the phone after backing up all the data to my Google account. The factory reset solved the problem. During the initial setup of the phone during the wifi selection screen, the setup was interrupted by this message that said something along the lines of "switching cellular networks". I cannot remember the exact words. Then the normal phone setup resumed. It seems that only a factory reset could make the phone set the correct commands to register properly with the cellular network again.

Keywords: android, smartphone, calls fail, sms connecting, server unreachable, cannot make calls