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Review - Fuze Bug Mosquito Killer Lamp / Trap / Zapper and Flashlight 2022

Last Updated: 6/3/23

UPDATE: 6/3/2023: More ad campaigns are being launched for this SCAM product. New websites and new product names. That is how you know it is a good business, right?

Product name: Electrizap 

New scam domains for 2022: and

 UPDATE 10/4/2022: Found another scammer selling these and calling them BugBlast Bug Repellent Lamp.  Good companies always change their website and rename their products frequently, right?

 (!) Note on Names: This product goes by many names (Fuze Bug, BuzzBug, etc..) on many websites for many different prices.

(!) Warning: Most product reviews for Fuze Bug on the internet are just paid advertisements that look like reviews.

 One of their (many) company names: Nu Lifestyle Marketing LLC, c/o BuzzBuggNu Lifestyle Marketing LLC, c/o BuzzBugg

Website domains: Registered in 2020 or newer and domains are registered in USA, Iceland, or Bahamas. Scam red flags normally include newly registered domains and multiple foreign countries being used for the "same" company.

 My Real Unpaid Review:

I purchased the Fuze bug because I fell for their Youtube and Facebook infomercials. Their ads are very convincing, but 98% of everything they say and claim is false.   You can find other reviews on youtube that say the same thing.


Claims from the video:

  • Created by Oscar a 22-year-old biochemistry and molecular biology student from Utah: False.  I could not find any evidence of this in my internet searches. (I did find articles about killing mosquito larvae with sound waves or some type of water tank and atmospheric pressure, but nothing about the mythical Oscar and UV light.)
  • Kills all mosquitos in a 300 ft radius in 10 minutes: False. Based on my experience and other reviews on Youtube.
  • The product earned an Innovation award in 2022: False. No evidence of this in my internet searches.
  • Emits a special UV frequency that attracts mosquitos way better than similar products: False. Based on my experience and other youtube reviews. Also, my searches revealed that there are inconclusive studies on the light wavelength used in mosquito traps. A lot more research is needed. Green (520 nm) lights may work better than blue, but not enough data to know for sure.


As one youtube review pointed out, the flashlight is decent, but not for $40.


More Unethical clues: Also, there are popups that show other people buying the product while you are on their website. This is also completely fake. Just a javascript that creates random combinations of the first name, last name letter, and location. you can see this code in their HTML source. When you see the popup, press CTRL + U to view the source and CTRL + F to search, type in one of the first names that you saw.



Save your money and buy something else, unless you really need an overpriced flashlight.




 Other Reviews:

Local news station review from Houston, Texas: (it's not positive).

Another review:


Keywords: none